In the realm of personal finance, decision-making can often feel overwhelming. With numerous variables and unforeseen challenges, finding clarity and direction is crucial. One unique approach to gaining insight and guidance is through tarot reading. While tarot is traditionally associated with spiritual and emotional guidance, it can also be an effective tool for navigating financial decisions. This blog post explores how tarot reading can aid in making informed personal finance decisions, detailing specific card meanings, spreads, and practical advice.

Understanding Tarot and Its Application in Finance

Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism, and story. The deck is divided into two parts: the Major Arcana, which consists of 22 cards representing life’s significant events and lessons, and the Minor Arcana, which has 56 cards dealing with everyday events. Within the Minor Arcana, there are four suits: Pentacles (or Coins), Wands, Cups, and Swords, each corresponding to different aspects of life.

For financial readings, the suit of Pentacles is particularly relevant. Pentacles are associated with material wealth, financial stability, and practical matters. However, other suits and the Major Arcana can also provide valuable insights into various aspects of your financial life​.

Key Tarot Cards for Financial Readings

  1. The Fool (Major Arcana): Symbolizes new beginnings and taking risks. In finance, it may suggest a new investment opportunity or a fresh financial start.
  2. The Magician (Major Arcana): Represents skill, resourcefulness, and manifesting desires. It indicates having the tools needed to achieve financial goals.
  3. The Emperor (Major Arcana): Stands for authority, structure, and control. It suggests the need for disciplined financial management and strategic planning.
  4. The Pentacles Suit:
    • Ace of Pentacles: Signifies new financial opportunities, investments, or beginnings.
    • Five of Pentacles: Warns of financial hardship and the need to seek support or reassess financial plans.
    • Ten of Pentacles: Indicates financial security, family wealth, and long-term success​​.

Effective Tarot Spreads for Financial Guidance

  1. Three-Card Money Spread:
    • Card 1: Financial Goal: What you want to achieve financially.
    • Card 2: Obstacles: What’s holding you back.
    • Card 3: Path Forward: How to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals​​.
  2. Financial Celtic Cross Spread:
    • Position 1: Present Situation: Current financial status.
    • Position 2: Challenge: Immediate financial challenges.
    • Position 3: Foundation: The basis of the current financial situation.
    • Position 4: Recent Past: Recent events affecting finances.
    • Position 5: Goal: Desired financial outcome.
    • Position 6: Near Future: Upcoming financial developments.
    • Position 7: Self-Perception: How you view your financial management skills.
    • Position 8: External Influences: External factors affecting your finances.
    • Position 9: Hopes and Fears: Aspirations and concerns regarding finances.
    • Position 10: Outcome: The likely financial outcome​.
  3. Four-Card Debt Release Spread:
    • Card 1: Spiritual Blockage: Spiritual issues affecting finances.
    • Card 2: Environmental Influences: External factors contributing to debt.
    • Card 3: Soul Advice: Inner guidance for overcoming debt.
    • Card 4: Financial Advice: Practical steps to clear debt​​.

Practical Tips for Financial Tarot Readings

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Before drawing cards, clearly define your financial questions or concerns. This focus will guide the reading and ensure relevant insights.
  2. Combine Tarot with Practical Planning: While tarot provides guidance, it should complement rather than replace financial planning. Use the insights gained to inform your budgeting, saving, and investment strategies.
  3. Reflect and Act: After a reading, take time to reflect on the insights provided. Implement practical steps based on the advice and monitor your progress​.

Also Read: Understanding FUQ: Deep Dive into Financial Markets & Terms


Tarot reading can be a valuable tool for gaining clarity and direction in personal finance decisions. By understanding the meanings of relevant cards and utilizing effective spreads, you can uncover insights that help navigate financial challenges and opportunities. Remember to combine tarot guidance with practical financial planning for the best results. Whether you’re seeking to manage debt, invest wisely, or achieve financial stability, tarot can offer a unique perspective to support your journey.

For those interested in exploring tarot for personal finance, numerous resources and online platforms provide free readings and tutorials to get started. Embrace this ancient tool to enhance your financial decision-making and achieve greater financial well-being.